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Amazing pressing force with just a little effort!

The Roll & Press is a quick and efficient way to make creases or to open and fold seam allowances.

For laminates and other fabrics that cannot be ironed.

For foundation piecing (paper piecing) and machine piecing.

For making a crease before ironing.

A roller that glides smoothly.

Doesn’t pull or distort fabric.

Allows you to press fabrics along straight or curved lines.

Quick, portable, ergonormic.

Can be held in most comfortable position - left or right handed.

Just a little downward force is all that is needed for significant pressing action.

Press small areas with accuracy.

The roller’s slight arc allows you to focus pressure on precise areas.

Roller edges will not leave creases on the fabric.



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    311 Av. José De Diego, Arecibo, Puerto Rico 00612


    Lun-Sáb: 8:30am- 5:00pm

    Sucursal 2

    El Molino No. 33, Lares, Puerto Rico 00669

    Lun-Vie: 9:00am- 4:30pm

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